Readysteadyfashion is a women’s fashion brand that offers its customers an exclusive range of clothing and accessories. Throughout our website, RSF provides detailed information about our privacy policy to assure our visitors that we take customer privacy seriously. 

We also inform customers that we will not sell, rent, or share their personal information with third parties without their permission.

Personal Information Management 

You provide us with personal information when you use our services. Additionally, we keep track of your online activities on both our website and other websites. 

We use this information to deliver and enhance our services, such as by giving you a better-tailored experience, keeping in touch with you about our services, and for security reasons.

We may also disclose your information to third parties, but only with your permission or in the following situations:

  • When we must divulge it to abide by a legal requirement or court order
  • To deliver our newsletters to you
  • To maintain the accuracy of our records
  • Sending you promotional materials for our newest goods and services
  • Sharing content and advertising details with you
  • To safeguard another person’s critical interests
  • For the benefit of the public while researching

Individual Data

It concerns making sure that the information we gather about you is handled properly and legally. As a result, we won’t give, sell, or otherwise disclose your information to anyone (private or public).

Providing you with more information about our practices for using and disclosing your data can help you better understand your rights.

Understand Your Rights To Inform Us

Your personal information is always up for modification or deletion. You have the option to sign up with us, and you can: 

  • You can ask us to cease contacting you with marketing materials at any time
  • If you choose to receive marketing communications from us, only then will we do so
  • Your personal information won’t be given to other parties for their own marketing campaigns

To Disable The Upload

You also have the right to prevent us from using your personal information. Additional rights include:

  • By contacting us at any time using the provided contact information, you can request that we delete, update, or correct any personal information we may have about you
  • Similarly, if you wish us to discontinue using your personal information, please get in touch with our data protection officer
  • You can request that we stop using your information and stop processing it


In order to deliver personalized content, including adverts, we may use cookies and other technologies to gather information about your online activities on our website and other websites.

Cookies are little files that a web browser stores. They provide a means of user identification and data storage. Other websites that the user visits in the future may be able to access this information, which raises some privacy issues.

Although a cookie is not a virus, it can nevertheless hold personal data about you, such as your name, address, phone number, or credit card information. Cookies are also used by websites to remember login sessions and the goods in your shopping cart.

Companies implement beacons or cookies for a variety of reasons, such as monitoring how frequently you visit their website or ensuring that you do not view a certain advertisement too frequently.

Revised Privacy Policies

We reserve the right to sometimes update this privacy statement. So that you can stay informed about the same, we kindly ask that you check it frequently or whenever it suits you.

In order to assure our customers that it takes customer privacy seriously, Readysteadyfashion informs users about its data collection practices on its website. We also inform users of the steps they are taking to respond to any concerns regarding the company’s handling of their data. 

As long as RSF complies with the Data Protection Act and customer complaints, we have your data under control.

Contact us

For further information related to our privacy policies, if you have any questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e‑mail at, or by mail using the details provided below:

Big Apple Technology Private Limited,
6, EU Tong Sen Street #11-09,
The Central (Soho 1),
Singapore 059817.

Privacy Compliance Officer.